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What Reiki Means to Me

Updated: Oct 29, 2023

Welcome to my blog!

I wanted my first post to be about Reiki – it’s the practice that opened my mind to the extraordinary, founded a deep spiritual belonging and brought me to where I am today with my wellbeing business.

It’s potent stuff…but what is it?

Most people have heard of Reiki, and those that have enjoyed giving or receiving Reiki, recognise the warm, enveloping energy that can be felt and the profound connection to something ‘other’. But, for those that haven’t experienced a session, it’s a tricky one to explain!

To start with a literal translation, Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means ‘God's Wisdom or the Higher Power’ and Ki which is ‘life force energy’. Reiki can therefore be translated as ‘spiritually guided life force energy.’

The simplest explanation I can offer to explain Reiki is ‘the giving and receiving of love’. With loving intention, the Reiki Practitioner is able to transfer life force energy, through them, to the recipient. Human connection is a powerful force of nature and, given with unconditional love, can transform any mood for the better. Think of the simple ‘hug’ as an example: as a friend greets you with a hug you feel instantly welcome; if you’re feeling down or low in energy a hug provides a lift; if you’re sad or hurt, the world is a better place with a consoling hug. The list goes on; a tender kiss, holding hands, a reassuring pat or stroke…

This is Reiki!

Human connection doesn’t even require physical touch. When you walk into a room, you can often ‘feel’ the energy. You don’t need to see a person standing behind you to know they are there. As you return to a loving home, you can feel the comfort and welcoming warmth as you walk through the door; as you make your way to the dancefloor you can feel the lively energy of the bodies moving around you; if you happen to walk in after an argument, you can feel the negative energy in the room.

This is Reiki!

The missing part, and the most complex to explain, is where does this energy come from?

I’ll give it a go…

As energetic beings, it is easy to understand our own energy exchanges in the examples above. To build on that, even the most sceptical among us have an awareness of a ‘sixth sense’ - the feeling of ‘déjà vu’, the ability to tune into another’s emotions, or uncanny coincidences such as thinking of a loved one and then receiving their call or text within minutes. I’d explain all of this as examples of our interconnectedness; if we are energetic beings, it makes sense to me (on a quantum level) that humans are connected to one another energetically wherever we are – touching, in the next room, or even in another country.

I am no scientist and I don’t align myself to any particular religion but I do believe in ‘God’/a life source. As energetic beings (or beings of light), my belief is that we come from this source…and that’s where we go back. The practice of Reiki trains you to connect with this source of unlimited light/energy and once ‘attuned’ you can pass on this healing energy to others.

Personally, I believe we are all connected to this energy, all of the time, regardless of formal Reiki training, which is why human touch is so uniquely powerful. The practice of Reiki just puts you in the right mindset to connect more mindfully to this source and the practitioner’s loving intention to heal is what dials up the therapeutic benefits.

So, that’s my unscientific ramble on the definition of Reiki and probably why I struggle to provide a quick and easy answer. The best way, of course, is to try it for yourself!

"I have had two reiki treatments with Clare, who is very kind, grounded and empathetic. I felt safe and comfortable throughout, and the sessions brought me benefit. I think that every experience is unique, but for me, there was a sense of release after each treatment - as if something shifted, or unblocked, in a way that other types of treatment have not brought about." Adrienne, Kent

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1 comentário

12 de out. de 2023

Love the explanation of Reiki, Cloggie! Love you 🥰 xxx

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